Follow up:
I just want to add that I REALLY wish they'd add a small size for the lemonade. As much as I love it, I never get it because it's just way too expensive. $4.50! If I could pay half as much for a small, I'd be in there all the time! If I want to spend that much for something cool and refreshing, I'd rather go around the corner to Sedutto for a fro yo.
Follow up:
YES! Ask and you shall receive! I realized that when I wrote that last addendum about not having a small lemonade size that I should at *least* talk to them about it to see if they'd accommodate my request and lo and behold, with a big smile, they DID!!! So, now whenever I want a little delicious frothy tart drink I can go in and get an 8 ounce one for $2.75. This makes me a happy lemonade drinker for sure, and gives me even more reason to yelp about how AWESOME Pyramida is!!! YAHOOOO for Pyramida!
Follow up: WONDERFUL news! I stopped in today to say hi and to tell them about my review of their place on here..and I got SUCH awesome news...In 2 short weeks they will be moving and having a grand opening at their newer/bigger/better location! Wooohooo! It will be moving to 1402 second ave (the corner of 2nd and 73rd) and will be known as Pyramida Grill. The best part? They will have seating for 30! YES! Here's for continued success to Matthew and the rest of the gang at Pyramida.
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